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auricle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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auricles, plural;
  1. A structure resembling an ear or earlobe

  2. Strictly, a small muscular appendage of each atrium

  3. The external part or pinna of the ear

  1. a small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior part of each atrium of the heart
  2. the externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear
  3. (auricular) otic: of or relating to near the ear
  4. (auricular) pertaining to an auricle of the heart; "auricular fibrillation"
  5. In botany, an auricle is a small ear-like projection from the base of a leaf or petal.
  6. The outer ear or pinna; An ear-shaped appendage of the left or right atrium of the heart; An atrium, the smaller of the two types of heart chamber; Any appendage in the shape of an earlobe
  7. (Auricles) lobes of cells at the basal corners of a leaf; the lobes project out to the side and bottom corner of the leaf.
  8. (auricular) Having to do with the ear.
  9. (auricular) ear shaped                                         boss ‑ bump or protuberance
  10. The chamber of the heart that receives blood from the body returned to the heart by the veins. Also referred to as atrium.
  11. the most visible portion of the outer ear. Cartilaginous structure located on the side of the head; also called the pinna. The auricle collects sounds from the environment and funnels them into the ear canal.
  12. a lobe shaped like an ear at the base of a lamina
  13. In Poaceae, a structure, often lanceolate, projecting from both margins of the leaf lateral to the ligule. (see ligule)
  14. The ear-like extension of the hinge found on some clams. See clams.
  15. Lobelike structures at the color region of a grass leaf blade.
  16. The corners of a stem of stemmed types or the corners of the base of triangular types which are ear-like.
  17. A small earlike lobe.
  18. an ear-shaped appendage that occurs at the upper part of the sheath. Size and prominence varies greatly among species.
  19. pale-colored papery extension of a leaf blade at its junction with its leaf sheath. Also called a collar.
  20. (1) ear-like extension of the dorsal HINGE line (see figure), usually present both anterior and posterior of the UMBO, most characteristic of the family Pectinidae, also occurring in such families as Limidae, Malleidae, Propeamussiidae, Pteriidae, some Arcidae, some Philobryidae, and some ...
  21. An earlike appendage that occurs at the base of some culm leaves.
  22. The "earlike" project on the tip of the stipule
  23. A small lobe or ear-shaped appendage.
  24. Latin auricula = a little ear.
  25. The part of thr ear that we see