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auntie 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. aunt: the sister of your father or mother; the wife of your uncle
  2. diminutive of aunt; An affectionate name for an older woman
  3. an unmarried woman keeping a tavern 2. a drink purchased in such a tavern
  4. a widely used nickname for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, with which three generations of Australians have grown up. ...
  5. She is Taslima’s mother and she wants to be the girls' mother until their mother comes home from the shelter.
  6. A somewhat derogatory, though affectionate, slang term for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
  7. Used as a generic title for females who are middle-aged or older, especially those who are not well acquainted. Can be slightly offensive when used on younger women. "Hello Auntie! How are you? ...
  8. a Turkish broomstick bomb
  9. An Asian (Japanese) woman. She has short black hair and wears a long-sleeved lavender blouse, black trousers, lavender socks, and black shoes. i think shes is a myth. the less used persom on boohbah.