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augury 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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auguries, plural;
  1. A sign of what will happen in the future; an omen
    • - they heard the sound as an augury of death
  2. The work of an augur; the interpretation of omens

  1. an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come; "he hoped it was an augury"; "it was a sign from God"
  2. The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups/alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of ...
  3. Augury is a technical death metal band from Montreal, Canada who released their debut album, Concealed in September 2004 on Galy Records, and a follow-up, Fragmentary Evidence, in July 2009 on Nuclear Blast Records.
  4. A divination based on the appearance and behaviour of animals; An omen or prediction; a foreboding; a prophecy
  5. is the general term for the art of divination and is chiefly applied to interpretations of signs and omens.
  6. Divination that ranks a set of given possibilities. It can be qualitative (such as shapes, proximities, etc.): for example, dowsing developed from this type of divination. The Romans in classical times used Etruscan methods of augury such as hepatoscopy. ...
  7. a portent or omen; the foretelling of events by signs or omens
  8. Divination by means of whatever is most handy at the time.
  9. au·gu·ry (ôągye-rę) noun plural au·gu·ries 1. The art, ability, or practice of auguring; divination. 2. A sign of something coming; an omen. [Middle English augurie, from Old French, from Latin augurium, from augur, augur.]
  10. Divination by the interpretation of omens or chance phenomena.
  11. Divination from omens and signs.
  12. Another term for divination.