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auger 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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augers, plural;
  1. A tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood

  2. A similar larger tool for boring holes in the ground

  1. plumber's snake: a long flexible steel coil for dislodging stoppages in curved pipes
  2. hand tool for boring holes
  3. An auger is a device for moving solid or liquid material by means of a rotating helical flighting. The material is moved along the axis of rotation. For some uses the helical 'flighting' is enclosed in a tube, for other uses the flighting is not encased. ...
  4. (Augering) An auger is a corkscrew like device with extended horizontal plates that collects excavated material. The auger is screwed into the ground, collects material, and is then raised out of the hole. ...
  5. (augering) a subsurface detection method using either a hand or machine-powered drill to determine the depth and character of archaeological deposits.
  6. (Augers) Long tubular pieces of equipment to move grain. Augers have a spiral shaft up the middle which pushes the grain from the lower end to the top end and into or out of storage units. ...
  7. Or "auger in," this is slang for crashing, usually head- or shoulder-first.
  8. In carpentry, a wood-boring tool used by a carpenter to bore holes.
  9. v. to involuntarily take samples of the local geology, usually with one's face, during a crash. See face plant.
  10. Device for lifting materials. Uses a rotating, enclosed screw which lifts the material as a result of the screwing action. Used with some success for lifting fish and water together. ...
  11. A rotating drill having a screw thread that carries cuttings away from the face.
  12. An Archimedes screw used to transfer fuel or ash in a wood boiler.
  13. A shaft with a broad spiral flange rotating inside a cylindrical casing to carry bulk material from one end of the shaft to the other. Augers are used to unload cargoes such as grain from grain trailers.
  14. Used for ice fishing to drill holes through the ice. Augers come in gas powered or manual back power.
  15. To land at unsurvivable speed; also called "bounce", "pancake", "frap", "hammered", and "go in".
  16. A corkscrew-shaped tool for drilling holes.
  17. A flighted drive tube having hex couplings at each end, to transmit torque to the cutting head and transfer spoil back to the machine.
  18. a tool that was used to bore holes into wood, leather, and even the ground, e.g., "Edward used an auger to cut into the door frame before he affixed the door."
  19. A large tool used for boring into wood, earth, or ice
  20. A rotating, screw-type device that moves material through a cylinder. In alcohol production, it is used to transfer grains from storage to the grinding site to the cooker.
  21. a drill bit type with a spiral cutting edge used to
  22. Hand operated screw drill used to bore holes in wood.
  23. An instrument for boring holes larger than those made by a bit or gimlet; consisting of a helix with cutting prongs or edges.
  24. A bendable rod with curved end used by plumbers to remove clogs from a toilet’s trap.
  25. A machine having a rotating helical shaft for boring into the earth.