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auditory 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or relating to the sense of hearing,
  1. Of or relating to the sense of hearing
    • - the auditory nerves
    • - teaching methods use both visual and auditory stimulation

  1. of or relating to the process of hearing; "auditory processing"; "an audile person"
  2. Hearing (not seeing).
  3. To do with sound. See 'Representational Systems'.
  4. is the term associated with someone who processes memory and thoughts as sounds and audio. When recalling a memory or a person, they will often hear that situation, or person speaking.
  5. The Representational System dealing with hearing.  It can be internal or external.  Also known as Auditory Tonal (At).
  6. Are there fans, loud speakers, fire alarms, several people talking at once, air conditioners, bells, dogs barking, or scraping? What is the general sound level, and the predictability and repetitiveness of sounds? ...
  7. (in  sound reception: Marine mammals)
  8. of, relating to, or experienced through hearing   Sleepless 2X04
  9. Concerning the sense of hearing. The auditory system is the equipment an animal uses to hear, including the external and internal ears, the auditory nerves, and the entire auditory pathways into the brain. See also 'sonar receiver'.
  10. (noun) – archaic: an audience
  11. Having to do with hearing.
  12. Pertaining to hearing.
  13. Relating to the ability to hear.