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auditoria 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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auditoria, plural; auditoriums, plural;
  1. The part of a theater, concert hall, or other public building in which the audience sits

  2. A large building or hall used for public gatherings, typically concerts or sports events

  3. A large room for such gatherings, esp. in a school

  1. (auditorium) the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits
  2. An auditorium is a room built to enable an audience to hear and watch performances at venues such as theatres. For movie theaters, the number of auditoriums is expressed as the number of screens.
  3. (Auditorium (Community of Christ)) The Auditorium (formerly the RLDS Auditorium) is a house of worship and office building located on the greater Temple Lot in Independence, Missouri. ...
  4. (Auditorium (MBTA station)) Hynes Convention Center is a stop on the MBTA's Green Line, located at the intersection of Newbury Street and Massachusetts Avenue. ...
  5. (Auditorium (Torrance High School)) The Auditorium, also known as the Assembly Hall, of the Torrance High School is a PWA Moderne building from 1938. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1983.
  6. (Auditorium (video game)) Auditorium is a web based puzzle game from Philadelphia-based studio . Presented in Flash, the game involves bending light particles with space modifiers to fill audio containers that fade in portions of an orchestrated soundtrack.
  7. (Auditorium) A facility designed for the assembly of persons for exhibitions, performances, conferences, or other purposes serving an assembly function. (Ord. 3747, 1-20-87, § 16)
  8. (Auditorium) Large theater-like room in a school in which they hold band concerts, may be used for other purposes on non-concert days.
  9. (Auditorium) The building or the portion of the building consisting of: the audience seating area, orchestra pit, lighting and sound booths, stage, wings, dressing rooms, set construction area, greenroom, and rehearsal areas.
  10. (Auditorium) The seating area of a theatre.
  11. (auditorium) The social self. An empty auditorium can represent constricted social interests, whereas a crowded auditorium suggests a need for social interaction.
  12. The APC Auditorium is a 390-seater where the college's events, shows and programs are being held and equipped with cinema and sound system for maximum viewing enjoyment.