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audiophile 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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audiophiles, plural;
  1. A hi-fi enthusiast

  1. An audiophile, from Latin audio "I hear" and Greek philos "loving," is a hobbyist who seeks high-quality audio reproduction via the use of specialized high-end audio electronics.
  2. A person with an interest in high fidelity sound reproduction and its associated technology
  3. one with extreme interest in high quality sound
  4. A person enthusiastic about sound reproduction who is discerning about the quality of the audio.
  5. One who enjoys experimenting with high-fidelity equipment and is likely to seek the best possible reproduction.
  6. A person who is intensely interested and appreciative of audio.
  7. A person that is particularly sensitive to high quality audio sound.
  8. A person described as an audiophile is someone who appreciates sound quality to a level beyond a normal person; you might compare an audiophile as a audio “junkie. ...