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audiometer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
  2. (audiometric) of or relating to audiometry
  3. (audiometry) audiology: the measurement of hearing
  4. An audiometer is a machine used for evaluating hearing loss. Audiometers are standard equipment at ENT clinics and in audiology centers. They usually consist of an embedded hardware unit connected to a pair of headphones and a test subject feedback button, sometimes controlled by a standard PC. ...
  5. Audiometry is the testing of hearing ability. Typically, audiometric tests determine a subject's hearing levels with the help of an audiometer, but may also measure ability to discriminate between different sound intensities, recognize pitch, or distinguished speech from background noise. ...
  6. (audiometry) A method of determining and quantifying the ability to hear a variety and range of pure tones. Hearing is described as a function of the number or cycles per second (CPS or hertz) that can be detected at a particular intensity (decibels).
  7. Audiometry is any testing that checks hearing.
  8. An instrument for measuring hearing acuity.
  9. A machine used to test hearing.  Basic screening audiometers give an indication of how well someone can hear.  Diagnostic audiometers, found in most audiology departments, are able to provide a better picture of hearing ability - including the type of hearing loss.
  10. A device for determining the thresholds of hearing. Pure tones at various frequencies are generated, and their levels are increased and decreased until thresholds are found. ...
  11. Machine used for testing hearing.
  12. Instrument for measurement of acuity of hearing. Specifically to measure the minimum intensities of sounds perceivable by an ear for specified frequencies.
  13. A tool used to test a person’s range of hearing. (SS)