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audio 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Sound, esp. when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced,
  1. Sound, esp. when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced
    • - audio equipment
    • - the machine can retrieve and play audio from a CD-ROM

  1. the audible part of a transmitted signal; "they always raise the audio for commercials"
  2. an audible acoustic wave frequency
  3. sound recording: a recording of acoustic signals
  4. the sound elements of television
  5. Audio is the debut album by Blue Man Group and was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Pop Instrumental Performance. It was released in 1999 by Virgin Records.
  6. Audio magazine was a periodical published from 1947 to 2000, and was America's longest-running audio magazine. Audio published reviews of audio products and audio technology as well as informational articles on topics such as acoustics, psychoacoustics and the art of listening. ...
  7. A sound, or a sound signal; Of or relating to audible sound; Of or relating to the broadcasting or reproduction of sound, especially high-fidelity reproduction
  8. An audible indicator of radiation detection, typically in the form of beeping or clicking corrersponding to one audible note for each radiation count detected, as in the Monitor 4 (play the sound file).  While all of our models produce an audible output, not all Geiger counters do so. ...
  9. Used to describe the range of frequencies within range of human hearing; approximately 20 to 20,000 Hz.
  10. Audio document s are recordings made on a variety of (usually) magnetic media (see of sounds only (as contrasted with video recordings (1.1.3) that also combine images). ...
  11. Audio is voice and sound reproduction used as a specific pedagogical element within a course. Audio can be used as narrative clarification for still images, to introduce instructional elements in the course, or to create more interactive ways to learn word pronunciations in foreign language or ...
  12. The right side of a script for a TV commercial which indicates sound effects, spoken copy and music. Also, the spoken dialogue or copy in broadcast advertising.
  13. Most cameras capture 'video' only (what you can see) - some come with audio too (sound). You can add a microphone to a security system to capture audio if needed. To record the sound, your recording device needs to support audio (must have at least one audio input).
  14. This term relates to the reproduction of sound, especially to the sound part of a telecast as opposed to the video (picture) portion.
  15. In video communications, electrical signals that carry sounds. The term is also used to describe systems concerned with sound with recording and transmission; speech pickup systems, transmission links that carry sounds, amplifiers and the like.
  16. A catchall term for music and other sound files, such as books on CD.
  17. 09.05.2001: Killings will spark Israeli retaliation
  18. All with crystal clear audio for correct (Japanese) pronunciation
  19. sound, computers work with digital audio.
  20. With audio home automation, you can control all aspects of your home's audio with one simple tool. Change the volume, change the input source, or change the mood in your house all with the touch of a button. ...
  21. The sound portion of a television or radio broadcast signal.
  22. Audio is a form of multimedia that allows viewers to hear information, rather than having to read it. While an audio message may be accompanied by a digital video, it can also stand alone.
  23. Something that is heard or is related to something that is heard; in A/V having primarily to do with the process of reproducing sounds through a system of electronic components.
  24. Sound. Specifically, the range of frequencies which are perceptible by the human ear.
  25. The medium of delivering information to be processed by a learner's ears. Compare to text, video, graphics, and animations