- a gathering of spectators or listeners at a (usually public) performance; "the audience applauded"; "someone in the audience began to cough"
- the part of the general public interested in a source of information or entertainment; "every artist needs an audience"; "the broadcast reached an audience of millions"
- hearing: an opportunity to state your case and be heard; "they condemned him without a hearing"; "he saw that he had lost his audience"
- consultation: a conference (usually with someone important); "he had a consultation with the judge"; "he requested an audience with the king"
- An audience is a group of people who participate in a show or encounter a work of art, literature (in which they are called the "reader"), theatre, music or academics in any medium. ...
- Audience is the 1969 debut album by British art rock band Audience. It was deleted shortly after its release and is now collectable in its original vinyl version, however the band were soon afterwards signed by Tony Stratton-Smith to Charisma Records.
- Audience is a cult British art rock band which existed between 1969 and 1972, and reformed in 2004.
- Audience Magazine is an American literary quarterly founded in June, 2004 as an ezine. It first appeared in print in June, 2006 (and as an ezine). The Editor-in-Chief of Audience is M. Stefan Strozier and it is published by World Audience Publishers. ...
- An audience is a formal meeting that takes place between a head of state and another person at the invitation of the head of state. Often the invitation follows a request for a meeting from the other person. ...
- Audience is a 1991 play by British playwright Michael Frayn.
- Hearing; the condition or state of hearing or listening. [from 14th c.]; A group of people within hearing; specifically a group of people listening to a performance, speech etc.; the crowd seeing a stage performance. [from 15th c.]; A formal meeting with a state or religious dignitary. ...
- (Audiences) According to Webster's Dictionary, an audience is a group of persons assembled or tuned-in to hear or see a speaker, concert, play, movie, radio or TV program. During the early days of television all programs, were broadcast with the benefit of a "Live" audience. ...
- (Audiences) In terms of Google AdWords, Audiences are groups that the account manager specifies who have visited certain part of the website. This is an important technique for remarketing.
- (Audiences) People who are interested in the results of the evaluation. This usually includes the funding agency and the sponsoring organization, but it may also include other groups, such as the parents of participating students or interested researchers.
- Dublin Core element to record a class of entity for whom the resource is intended or useful. A class of entity may be determined by the creator or the publisher or by a third party. See also "Using Dublin Core".
- According to promotional materials from the Urban Institute Press, "this book is a must-have reference not only for tax professionals, but for anyone involved in public policy and public administration." That seems a fair assessment. ...
- Individuals who read a newspaper or magazine, or listen to a radio broadcast, or view a television broadcast.
- A group of individuals attending to a common media. They receive communication from the same source, but are not active participants and do not communicate with each other. ...
- The persons reached by distribution of a book or magazine, by a radio or television broadcast; a regular public manifesting interest and support for such media, including readers, subscribers, clients, and advertisers. About 88% of Americans purchase one or more publications each month. ...
- The group of consumers for whom the media text was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the text.
- The group most likely to be interested in the subject matter of the book.
- the particular group of readers or viewers that the writer is addressing. A writer considers his or her audience when deciding on a subject, a purpose for writing and the tone and style in which to write.
- The number of people or households exposed to a vehicle, without regard to whether they actually saw or heard the material conveyed by that vehicle.
- The readers, listeners, or viewers for whom a particular work is intended.
- Constituencies or clientele served by the moving image organization.