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auctioning 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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auctioning, present participle; auctioned, past tense; auctions, 3rd person singular present; auctioned, past participle;
  1. Sell or offer for sale at an auction
    • - his collection of vintage cars is to be auctioned off tomorrow

  1. (Auctions) An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. In economic theory, an auction may refer to any mechanism or set of trading rules for exchange.
  2. (Auctions) Let multiple buyers bid competitively for products from individual suppliers. Suitable for hard-to-move goods such as used capital equipment (forklifts) and surplus or excess inventory. ...
  3. (Auctions) Couture Cloth nappies sold at auction are bound by the regular sales terms in addition to the following auction terms.
  4. (Auctions) A sale open to the general public and conducted by an auctioneer, a person empowered to conduct such a sale, at which property is sold to the highest bidder.
  5. (Auctions) In the producer countries, tea is sold via large-scale auctions to the individual tea brokers, who are able to pass on the offered prices to the importers. The importing countries in turn offer the brokers their best prices for the individual lots. ...
  6. (Auctions) Property sale. If you win the bid, you are legally bound to buy the house.
  7. (Auctions) These are the main kinds:
  8. (Auctions) are a form of first degree price discrimination.
  9. (Auctions) are a particular class of trading process applicable where price is the key factor to be negotiated and offers involve stating little more than price and quantity. There are multiple categories of auction. ...
  10. A method of allocating emissions allowances to those firms prepared to pay most for them.
  11. A method of emissions permits allocation in a cap-and-trade system.  Permits are allocated to emitters on the basis of an auction system, in which the highest bidder receives the permits.  Auctioning speeds up the process of allowing the market to determine the cost of carbon. ...