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auctioned 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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auctioning, present participle; auctioned, past tense; auctions, 3rd person singular present; auctioned, past participle;
  1. Sell or offer for sale at an auction
    • - his collection of vintage cars is to be auctioned off tomorrow

  1. (auction) a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game; now generally superseded by contract bridge
  2. (auction) sell at an auction
  3. (auction) the public sale of something to the highest bidder
  4. An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder. In economic theory, an auction may refer to any mechanism or set of trading rules for exchange.
  5. (Auction) A method of selling property in a public forum through open and competitive bidding. Also referred to as: public auction, auction sale or sale.
  6. (Auction) A public sale of goods or property in which prospective purchasers bid until the highest price is reached.
  7. (Auction) The process of selling property at a public sale to the highest bidder. The person conducting the sale will call out the initial asking price and each price that anyone in the audience bids until no one will bid a higher price. ...
  8. (auction) An offering to sell an individual item or group of items in which the price is determined by the highest bidder, sometimes with a reserve (minimum) price
  9. (Auction) The public sale of Treasury securities.
  10. (Auction) Where bids are accepted for a business within a specific time period.
  11. (Auction) An offering of coins or other items for sale where the buyer must bid against other potential buyers with no set price. This is in contrast with ordering from a catalog, price list, or advertisement at an advertised price.
  12. (Auction) Where your home is sold at a public sale to the highest bidder, provided the seller’s reserve price has been reached or exceeded. There is no cooling off period and contracts are exchanged immediately, unconditionally. The purchaser pays a deposit of usually 10% of the total price.
  13. (Auction) 1. The process of determining the contract bymeans of successive calls and   2. The aggregate of calls made.
  14. (Auction) Public sale of a property to the highest bidder. The purchaser must immediately sign a binding contract and should ensure that all valuations, searches etc are carried out prior to the sale.
  15. (Auction) Sale of securities to the highest bidder(s). In finance, it is mainly used by governments for the allocation of foreign exchange and government paper, such as US Treasury Bills. Sometimes, auctions are conducted in terms of yield, rather than price.
  16. (Auction (market)) A trading market in which the buyers enter bids and sellers enter competitive offers at the same time. This, as different to the over-the-counter market, where the trades are negotiated. Some examples are the NYSE and AMEX.
  17. (Auction) In Chemin de fer, bidding takes place to decide about the banker, the highest bidder becomes the banker.
  18. (Auction) A mechanism used by the Stock Exchange to fulfill its obligation to the buyer of a security. It is done when the seller is unable to deliver the scrips sold by him. The security in question is offered by a member who has ready possession of the scrips.
  19. (Auction) the bidding; the process by which players bid for the right to name the final contract.
  20. (Auction) The public sale of property to the highest bidder. The terms of sale for a property sold at Auction may differ to those of other methods of sale, in that a deposit may be required on the day of sale and any rights to a cooling period may be void.
  21. (Auction (Treasury)) The issuance of new Treasury bills, notes, and bonds at stated intervals by the Federal Reserve.
  22. (Auction) A marketing option where you list your home without a price supported by very intensive marketing, and leading buyers to an auction day and time where they must bid against each other to successfully purchase your home, usually unconditionally. (see Reserve Price)
  23. (Auction) A means of selling a property whereby it is listed at an auction and if the property does not reach the reserve price then it is not sold. ...
  24. (Auction) A place where goods are bought and sold to the highest bidder. In the case of the Amistad, the goods were human beings.
  25. (Auction) A popular, social gathering where you can change a horse from a financial liability into a liquid asset.