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atypically 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. in a manner that is not typical; "she was atypically quiet"
  2. An atypical antipsychotic; Not conforming to the normal type; Unusual or irregular
  3. (Atypical) The simple, straightforward definition would be “unusual,” but “atypical” means much more than that. In a diagnosis, the use of the term atypical is a vague warning to the physician that the pathologist is worried about something, but not worried enough to say that the patient has cancer.
  4. (Atypical) not usual; often refers to the appearance of precancerous or cancerous cells.
  5. Atypical means something that is irregular or not ordinary.
  6. (A-typical) Antler growth which does not fork typically (off a single beam or branch)
  7. (Atypical) Deviating markedly from the rule or standard; not typical or regular; above or below average.
  8. (Atypical) Literally, "not typical." Exhibits unusual characteristics. For example, atypical hyperplasia is a dangerous increase in the number of breast cells; a sign that breast cancer may develop.
  9. (Atypical) Not usual or not normal. Atypical cells are abnormal cells. They do not necessarily progress to cancer, but they are known to increase a woman's risk by four to five times.
  10. (atypical) skin cells showing atypia
  11. Atypical means "not typical" or not as usual. It may or may not be a problem, depending on how it is used and to what it is referring.