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attractor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. drawing card: an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had"
  2. (physics) a point in the ideal multidimensional phase space that is used to describe a system toward which the system tends to evolve regardless of the starting conditions of the system
  3. attraction: a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts; "flowers are an attractor for bees"
  4. An attractor is a set towards which a dynamical system evolves over time. That is, points that get close enough to the attractor remain close even if slightly disturbed. ...
  5. (Attractors) A term used in modern dynamics to denote a limit towards which trajectories of change within a dynamical system move. Attractors generally lie within basins of attraction.
  6. A style or variety of fly that is effective in eliciting strikes, but has few apparent characteristics of a natural food item. Often an attractor is flashy and bigger than life.
  7. If you plot one variable against another for a series of times, the successive points may seem to move along a trajectory, often a cyclical one. This phase portrait may well look like an oddly-shaped orbit around an imaginary gravitational attractor, from whence the name. ...
  8. A characterization of the long-term behavior of a dissipative dynamical system. Over long periods of time, the state space of some dynamical systems will contract toward this region. Attractors may be fixed points, periodic, quasiperiodic, or chaotic. They may also be stable or unstable.
  9. An attractor is a trajectory of a dynamical system such that initial conditions nearby it will tend toward it in forward time. Often called a stable attractor but this is redundant.
  10. (n) A nodal region that dominates neighboring cells in a tessellation.
  11. Sunny coined this term to refer to the market's tendency to revert to the mean. An Attractor can be a line of support or resistance, a moving average, or a trendline. The markets tend to return to the Attractors.
  12. A fractal structure with noninteger dimensionality whose shape is shown in phase space and to which trajectories are attracted. In classical chaos theory, “an attractor is an invariant set to which all nearby orbits converge” (Devancy, 1989, p. 201).
  13. In non-linear dynamic series, an attractor defines the equilibrium level of the system. See: Point Attractor, Limit Cycle, and Strange Attractor.
  14. this is an additive that is used with the bait or mixed with the groundbait. Flavour attractors can be sweet or spicy. Brasem is a good additive used for catching bream
  15. Bright colored material, such as tinsel, used in fly tying
  16. n dynamical systems theory, the term "attractor" refers to the tendency of a system to return to a specific pattern of activity.
  17. Where a system tends to end up over time, if you plot successive points on its trajectory, which is often cyclical; e.g. a valley into which rain water flows after following many paths on its way down, or a wash basin.
  18. This is a pattern used on a fly, which is not trying to look like any particular type of insect. Attractors are usually vibrantly colored to attract the fish to it.
  19. neural networks that resonate with others’ emotions, thought and beliefs