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attractions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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attractions, plural;
  1. The action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something
    • - she has romantic ideas about sexual attraction
    • - the timeless attraction of a good tune
  2. A quality or feature of something or someone that evokes interest, liking, or desire
    • - this reform has many attractions for those on the left
    • - the main attraction of Peking duck is the crackling texture of its skin
  3. A thing or place that draws visitors by providing something of interest or pleasure
    • - the church is the town's main tourist attraction
  4. A force under the influence of which objects tend to move toward each other
    • - gravitational attraction
  5. The influence exerted by one word on another that causes it to change to an incorrect form, e.g., the wages of sin is (for are) death

  1. (attraction) the force by which one object attracts another
  2. (attraction) an entertainment that is offered to the public
  3. (attraction) drawing card: an entertainer who attracts large audiences; "he was the biggest drawing card they had"
  4. Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24) hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and ...
  5. Declan Patrick MacManus (born 25 August 1954), known by the stage name Elvis Costello, is a British singer-songwriter. He came to prominence as an early participant in London's pub rock scene in the mid-1970s and later became associated with the Punk/New Wave musical genre. ...
  6. (Attraction (linguistics)) This sentence, on the other hand, shows attraction: Because the antecedent, "[of] the man", is possessive, the relative pronoun has become possessive too. ...
  7. (attraction) Water flows designed to draw fish toward ladders or other bypass systems.
  8. (ATTRACTION) noun: early stage of pickup where the PUA utilizes material meant to make target feel attraction towards him.
  9. (Attraction) (Russian) A circus act that can occupy up to the entire second half of a circus performance.
  10. (Attraction) A natural or man-made facility, location, or activity which offers items of specific interest. An attraction can be a natural or scenic wonder, a man-made theme park, a cultural or historic exhibition, or a wildlife/ecological park.
  11. (Attraction) A natural universal process whereby energies, such as the thoughts and intentions, which vibrate at similar frequencies come together and eventually form manifested matter. Its opposite, repulsion, does not exist. ...
  12. (Attraction) Favourable interaction between potential applicants and the images, values and information about an organization.
  13. (Attraction) When two magnets or magnetic objects are close to each other, there is a force that attracts the poles together.
  14. (Attraction) initially named a circus act having striking effect on the audience thanks to mechanisms. (For example, cyclist running over high walls of a large "basket" without a bottom; a great number of automotive shows, etc). ...
  15. (attraction) Eisenstein's theory of film analyzes the image as a series or collection of attractions, each in a dialectical relationship with the others. In this theory, attractions are thus basic elements of film form.
  16. (attraction) The extent to which we like other people
  17. (attraction) We are attracted to the things of the ego, or we are attracted by the Love of God. We are attracted either to special "love" relationships, or to Holy Relationships between God's Children. We are attracted to guilt and guilt-making, or to God. ...
  18. (attraction) a responsibility that economic developers have when representing locations; i.e., they work at developing prospects. The responsibility stems from a principle stating: (The) the entire set of approaches to (the practice) may be considered a specialized form of marketing. ...
  19. (attraction) an action that tends to draw people together.
  20. (attraction) force that brings two bodies together, such as two oppositely charged bodies
  21. General all-0inclusive term travel industry marketers use to refer to products that have visitor appeal, like museums, historic sites, performing arts institutions, preservation districts, theme parks, entertainment and national sites.
  22. Arboretum | Art Museum | Botanical Garden | COSI | Fifth Third Field | Metroparks of the Toledo Area | One SeaGate | Speedway | Zoo
  23. The number of attractions in the park. This includes rides, shows, and exhibits as listed on the park website or park map.
  24. Previews of future of special programs which are going to be aired.
  25. Buzz Lightyear · Toy Story Mania