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attitudes, plural;
  1. A settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person's behavior
    • - she took a tough attitude toward other people's indulgences
    • - being competitive is an attitude of mind
    • - differences in attitude were apparent between groups
  2. A position of the body proper to or implying an action or mental state
    • - the boy was standing in an attitude of despair, his chin sunk on his chest
  3. Truculent or uncooperative behavior; a resentful or antagonistic manner
    • - I asked the waiter for a clean fork, and all I got was attitude
  4. Individuality and self-confidence as manifested by behavior or appearance; style
    • - she snapped her fingers with attitude
  5. The orientation of an aircraft or spacecraft, relative to the direction of travel

  6. A position in which one leg is lifted behind with the knee bent at right angles and turned out, and the corresponding arm is raised above the head, the other extended to the side

  1. a complex mental state involving beliefs and feelings and values and dispositions to act in certain ways; "he had the attitude that work was fun"
  2. position: the arrangement of the body and its limbs; "he assumed an attitude of surrender"
  3. a theatrical pose created for effect; "the actor struck just the right attitude"
  4. position of aircraft or spacecraft relative to a frame of reference (the horizon or direction of motion)
  5. Yaw, pitch, and roll, also known as Tait–Bryan angles, named after Peter Guthrie Tait and George H. Bryan, are a specific kind of Euler angles used to define the relative orientation of an object with respect to some reference orientation, usually a set of reference axes. ...
  6. Attitude is the thirteenth studio album by the Canadian rock band April Wine, released in 1993 (see 1993 in music).
  7. Attitude as a term of fine art refers to the posture or gesture given to a figure by a painter or sculptor. It applies to the body and not to a mental state, but the arrangement of the body is presumed to serve a communicative or expressive purpose. ...
  8. Attitude is Japanese Pop singer and actress Meisa Kuroki's first EP. It was released on January 1, 2010, by her record label Studioseven Recordings.
  9. In geometry the orientation or attitude of a body is a description of how it is aligned to the space it is in. ...
  10. In heraldry, an attitude is the position in which an animal, fictional beast, mythical creature, human or human-like being is emblazoned as a charge, supporter or crest. Many attitudes apply only to predatory beasts and are exemplified by the beast most frequently found in heraldry — the lion. ...
  11. (attitudes) Enduring systems of positive or negative evaluations, emotional feelings, and action tendencies with respect to an object. Consumer's overall liking or preference for an object. (Assael)
  12. (Attitudes) were any physician or CME participant attitudes; attitudes could include physician attitudes toward a medical topic, comfort level, or satisfaction with the course.
  13. ("Attitudes") The term "attitudes" is used throughout this site to encompass the broad domain of social norms, ethics, morals, values, rights, culture, tradition, spirituality and religion, and feelings about self and others.
  14. (Attitudes) An individual's predisposition toward an object, person, or group, that influence his or her response to be either positive or negative, favorable or unfavorable.
  15. (Attitudes) Emotional responses towards beliefs.
  16. (Attitudes) HRDC's essential Skills job-profiling methodology defines attitudes as the behavioral characteristics of job incumbents.
  17. (Attitudes) Learners possess sets of beliefs about language learning, the target culture, their culture, the teacher, the learning tasks, etc. These beliefs are referred to as attitudes. They influence learning in a number of ways.
  18. (Attitudes) Personal biases, preferences, and subjective assessments that predispose one to act or respond in a predictable manner. Attitudes lead people to like or dislike something, or to consider things good or bad, important or unimportant, worth caring about or not worth caring about.
  19. (Attitudes) The degree to which the target audience supports mobility management strategies and programs.
  20. (Attitudes) The remoteness of many parts of New Zealand and the distance of the country from much of the developed world meant that things that were easily obtainable in other parts of the world were often not readily available locally. ...
  21. (Attitudes) Ttoward Rrestraints and Sseclusion
  22. (Attitudes) What people accept as true—their feelings, perceptions, or opinions.
  23. (Attitudes) may be "implicit," or unconscious, as well as "explicit," as in the response that people give when asked their opinion on something. Both types may affect behavior, although in different ways. The relationship between these two types of attitudes is complex and not well understood.
  24. (Attitudes) preferences; likes and dislikes; involve beliefs, feelings, and behaviors.
  25. (attitudes) Evaluative judgments about objects, people, and thoughts, including affective, knowledge, and behavioral components