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attends 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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attended, past participle; attended, past tense; attending, present participle; attends, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Be present at (an event, meeting, or function)
    • - the entire sales force attended the conference
    • - she was unable to attend the wedding
  2. Go regularly to (an educational, religious, social, or clinical institution)
    • - all children are required to attend school
  3. Deal with
    • - he muttered that he had business to attend to
  4. Give practical help and care to; look after
    • - the severely wounded had two medics to attend to their wounds
    • - each of the beds in the intensive care unit is attended by a nurse
  5. Pay attention to
    • - Alice hadn't attended to a word of his sermon
  6. Occur with or as a result of
    • - people feared that the switch to a peacetime economy would be attended by a severe slump
  7. Escort or accompany (a member of royalty or other important personage) so as to assist them; wait on
    • - Her Royal Highness was attended by two capable women