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attendees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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attendees, plural;
  1. A person who attends a conference or other gathering

  1. (attendee) attendant: a person who is present and participates in a meeting; "he was a regular attender at department meetings"; "the gathering satisfied both organizers and attendees"
  2. (Attendee) A visitor to the exposition, a potential buyer or customer.
  3. (Attendee) n Word mistakenly used to describe person attend-ing conference or other academic event, an attender.
  4. (attendee) 8212A meeting participant who views information that a presenter shares, including documents, presentations, applications, Web browsers, the presenter's desktop, and information on a whiteboard. An attendee can annotate shared information, and participate in a chat or poll. ...
  5. Only required under the category of Training for Ombudsman/Volunteer.
  6. those who are present at an event or exhibit that are not connected with the function itself
  7. A type of list, or segment, made up of individuals who represent an interest by having attended a gathering.
  8. Listings by: Last Name, Organization and Country - this will show all attendees other than event staff