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attackers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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attackers, plural;
  1. A person or animal that attacks someone or something

  2. (in soccer and other games) A player that makes an assertive or aggressive attempt to score; a forward

  1. (attacker) someone who attacks
  2. (Attacker) In some sports, an attacker is a specific type of player, usually one whose role involves aggressive play.
  3. (ATTACKER) Also “hitter” or “spiker.” A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating play in his or her team’s favor.
  4. (Attacker) A player who is in the opposing half of the field; or any player whose team is in possession of the ball.
  5. (attacker) the entity (IP address) that generated an attack. Each attack is associated with an attacker.
  6. (ATTACKER) When a parent throws a very hard ball back to two opposing players warming up.
  7. (Attacker) "an individual who attemtps one or more attacks in order to achieve an objective" [Sandia]
  8. (Attacker) A player whose job is to play the ball forward towards the opponent's goal area to create a scoring opportunity.
  9. (Attacker) The player currently controlling the air hockey puck.
  10. (attacker) A player who tries to overpower opponents by killing as many balls as possible. Compare defender.
  11. (attacker) Someone deliberately trying to make a program or operating system do something that it's not supposed to do, such as allowing the attacker to execute code or read private data.
  12. (attacker) The hitter or piker.  This is the player who is attempting to terminate play by getting a kill.
  13. A party who acts with malicious intent to assault an information system. [800-63] Someone with a strong interest in computers, who enjoys learning about them and experimenting with them. [800-82] (see also computer, information, malicious, min-entropy, system, attack)
  14. Players who bring the puck into the offensive zone are known as attackers. They can include only one player or all the skaters on a team.
  15. take the forefront in today's Utopia, as every race has been granted powerful offensive elites. Who wins a war is determined by the exchange of acres so ultimately, it's the attackers who decide the outcome. Being an attacker means you'll need to focus on your OPA and DPA. ...