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atrophy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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atrophies, 3rd person singular present; atrophying, present participle; atrophied, past tense; atrophied, past participle;
  1. (of body tissue or an organ) Waste away, typically due to the degeneration of cells, or become vestigial during evolution
    • - without exercise, the muscles will atrophy
    • - in some beetles, the hind wings are atrophied
  2. Gradually decline in effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect
    • - her artistic skills atrophied from lack of use
  1. The condition or process of atrophying
    • - gastric atrophy
  2. The gradual decline of effectiveness or vigor due to underuse or neglect
    • - extensive TV viewing may lead to atrophy of children's imaginations

  1. undergo atrophy; "Muscles that are not used will atrophy"
  2. a decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse
  3. any weakening or degeneration (especially through lack of use)
  4. (atrophic) relating to or characterized by atrophy; "atrophic arthritis"
  5. (atrophied) (of an organ or body part) diminished in size or strength as a result of disease or injury or lack of use; "partial paralysis resulted in an atrophied left arm"
  6. Atrophy was a thrash metal band formed in Tucson, Arizona, USA by Chris Lykins, James Gulotta, and Brian Zimmerman. The original bandname was Heresy, but by the time the band was rounded out to its professional line-up - with Tim Kelly and Rick Skowron joining the fold - the name was changed.
  7. A reduction in the functionality of an organ caused by disease, injury or lack of use; To wither or waste away
  8. (Atrophic) Something that has decreased in size or shows evidence of arrested development. Testicles can become atrophic due to disease or cancer or abnormal development.
  9. (atrophic) wasted, smaller than usual
  10. (ATROPHIED) Arrested in development at a very early stage.
  11. (Atrophied) Describes an organ or part of a body that is reduced in size, rudimentary.
  12. Shrinkage in size of a particular structure, such as muscle groups, or of the brain.
  13. Wasting away of any part, organ, tissue or cell.
  14. refers to a state of deterioration usually within the muscle or bodily organ due to a lack of use or health.
  15. wasting, shrinkage of muscle tissue or nerve tissue.
  16. A wasting away or decrease in size of a cell, tissue, organ, or part of the body due to lack of nourishment.
  17. Atrophy is when a tissue or organ slowly wastes away. It can be caused by a number of things such as disease, malnutrition, damage to the nerves, or not enough blood flow.
  18. Wasting away or loss of a cell, tissue, or organ due to disease, malnutrition, insufficient blood supply, or other causes, such as loss of skeletal muscle mass due to peripheral nerve damage.
  19. wasting away of a body part or tissue.
  20. Wasting away or diminishing in size
  21. A reduction in size or wasting away of any organ cell, resulting from disease or disuse.
  22. Atrophy occurs when some component of the skin has shrunk.
  23. Greek a = negative, and trophe = food, hence wasting from starvation.
  24. reduction in size or function of tissue, organs, or the entire body caused by lack of use.
  25. Thinning and decreased blood flow to tissue resultant from a lack of hormones, most commonly estrogen.