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atresia 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Absence or abnormal narrowing of an opening or passage in the body,
  1. Absence or abnormal narrowing of an opening or passage in the body

  2. The degeneration of those ovarian follicles that do not ovulate during the menstrual cycle

  1. an abnormal condition in which a normal opening or tube in the body (as the urethra) is closed or absent
  2. lack of a normal opening from the esophagus, intestines, or the anus.
  3. Greek a = negative, and tresis = a hole, hence an absence or closure of a body orifice or tubular organ
  4. (atreesia) - Absence or abnormal narrowing of a body opening, e.g. duodenal atresia, the narrowing of part of the small intestine that consequently causes an obstruction.
  5. Complete obstruction to a valve or blood vessel, so that blood cannot get past this point in the circulation and has to take an alternative route.
  6. a part of the GI tract is absent or gone; this can occur anywhere along the GI tract
  7. Absence or malformation of the outer or middle ear. For example, there may be no pinna or ear canal.
  8. Connection that is either blocked or missing altogether.
  9. Process by which a tissue stops growing, loses its function and degenerates. Synonymous with atrophy. See also follicular atresia and apoptosis.
  10. Degeneration and resorption of a follicle before it reaches maturity and ruptures.
  11. a birth defect in which a normal body opening or canal is absent; usually requires surgical repair soon after birth
  12. Lack of a normal body opening such as a bile duct.
  13. Congenital closure of a normally open body orofice, such as the ear canal, either at the pinna or within the ear canal, that may result in a conductive hearing loss.
  14. n. - lack or closing of a passage of the body. atretic, adj.
  15. Congenital absence of a body part.
  16. The absence of a normal opening.
  17. closed ducts or tubes
  18. A blockage of various parts of the gut due to failure of normal development.
  19. The gradual decline in quality of a woman's eggs as she grows older
  20. Natural aging and degeneration of eggs.