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atonic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a syllable) Without accent or stress,
  1. (of a syllable) Without accent or stress

  2. Lacking muscular tone

  1. characterized by a lack of tonus
  2. used of syllables; "an atonic syllable carries no stress"
  3. (atonicity) lack of normal muscular tension or tonus
  4. (Atonia) In medicine, atony (or "atonia", or "atonic") refers to a muscle that has lost its strength. It is frequently associated with the conditions Atonic seizure, atonic colon, uterine atony, gastrointestinal atony (occurs postoperatively) and choreatic atonia.
  5. Referring to a syllable or sound that is spoken without accent or stress; Lacking muscle tone
  6. (atonia) Lack of muscle tone
  7. lacking normal muscle tone