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atmospherics 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
Noun (plural)
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atmospherics, plural;
  1. Electrical disturbances in the atmosphere due to lightning and other phenomena, esp. as they interfere with telecommunications

  2. Effects intended to create a particular atmosphere or mood, esp. in music
    • - a jazz sound with spooky atmospherics

  1. static: a crackling or hissing noise caused by electrical interference
  2. Atmospherics is a collection of Bass Communion music released by library music company Bruton Music and distributed to media companies for use in television and radio programs. Some of the pieces are extracts and remixes of tracks from other Bass Communion albums .
  3. Warren Girard Ellis (born 16 February 1968) is an English author of comics, novels, and television, who is well-known for sociocultural commentary, both through his online presence and through his writing, which covers transhumanist themes (most notably nanotechnology, cryonics, uploading, and ...
  4. radio interference caused by pulses of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere as the result of lightning and other events (both natural and man-made)
  5. The physical characteristics of the library such as architecture, layout, signs and displays, color, lighting, temperature, access, noise, assortment, prices, special events, etc., that serve as stimuli and attention attractors of users to the library or information agency.
  6. the science of designing an environment to create a certain “atmosphere” – particularly used in the retail environment.
  7. Namely fog or haze—used to define edges of beams to pronounce the lighting design
  8. All the elements of in-store décor that influence customer's feelings and reactions, including lighting, furniture, sounds, scents, temperature, and style.
  9. The combination of store decor, physical characteristics and amenities provided by a retailer to develop a particular image and attract customers.