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atheism 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Disbelief in the existence of God or gods,
  1. Disbelief in the existence of God or gods

  1. the doctrine or belief that there is no God
  2. a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods
  3. (atheist) related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings"
  4. (atheist) someone who denies the existence of god
  5. (atheistic) rejecting any belief in gods
  6. Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.
  7. (Atheist (band)) Atheist is a technical death metal band from Florida, founded in 1984, whose music combined metal riffs with subtle latin music arrangements and jazz fusion. ...
  8. (The Atheist (comics)) The Atheist is a horror comic book originally released in April 2005 and is published by Image Comics. Phil Hester, of "The Wretch" and "Green Arrow," writes "The Atheist," while British John McCrea of "Hitman" does the black and white artwork.
  9. (The Atheist (play)) The Atheist is written by Irish born playwright, Ronan Noone. His previous plays include The Lepers of Baile Baiste (Critics Pick, Boston Globe) and The Blowin of Baile Gall which had its Off-Broadway debut, produced by Gabriel Byrne, at the Irish arts Center in New York in ...
  10. (atheist) One who does not have a belief in the existence of God, god, Gods or gods; Especially, one who does not have any religious belief; an irreligious person; One who believes that no deities exist; Of or relating to atheists or atheism; atheistic
  11. (ATHEIST) Someone who believes that there is no God.
  12. (Atheist) A person who believes in Atheism.
  13. (ATHEIST) One who has no use for god.  Link to the world atheist web site.
  14. (Atheist (n)) Someone without friends (see god)
  15. (Atheist) One who rejects or is unaware of theism.
  16. (Atheist) The Greek for God was theos; when the j prefix a was placed before it, we get the origin j of "atheism," signifying a denial of the god, or gods. ...
  17. (atheist) One who denies the existence of God, and therefore also rejects all religion. (Compare {agnostic}.) Because they thereby put their own thinking ahead of God's, they become guilty of self-worship, a form of idolatry. (Psa 14:1; see the Insight book [it] article on IDOLATRY. ...
  18. An atheist is an individual who denies the existence of gods or any other divine beings. Atheists often criticize religions on the grounds that they are illogical and contain weird beliefs. ...
  19. (Atheists) Person who do not believe or deny the existence of God. Even in ancient times Hinduism has recognized atheism as a philosophy of life. However Hinduism does not encourage its practice. The Sanskrit term for atheism is naastika. ...
  20. (Atheists) come in at least two flavors, depending on how you parse the word.
  21. The belief that God does not exist. Philosophers who were atheists include Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and Jean-Paul Sartre.
  22. (Gr. "godlessness"). Denial of the existence of God. An atheist accepts only the material and physical world or what can be proven by reason.
  23. denial of the existence of a Supreme Deity
  24. The belief that God does not exist.
  25. Belief that god does not exist. Unlike the agnostic, who merely criticizes traditional arguments for the existence of a deity, the atheist must offer evidence (such as the problem of evil) that there is no god or propose a strong principle for denying what is not known to be true. ...