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atelier 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ateliers, plural;
  1. A workshop or studio, esp. one used by an artist or designer

  1. artist's workroom: a studio especially for an artist or designer
  2. The Atelier series is a series of role-playing video games developed by the Gust Corporation since 1997, primarily for the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 consoles, though portable versions for the Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS have also been made. ...
  3. French term for "printer's workshop."
  4. French. An artist's or an artisan's studio; a workshop. Sometimes refers to a studio where an artist trains for his profession.
  5. Originally, a master artist's studio, with his apprentices or assistants. Now, a fancy way of saying the art was made by the assistants and signed by the superstar artist.
  6. in the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education, an art studio or workshop in a school
  7. (Fr. studio). Used of a painter's or sculptor's studio or collectively of the pupils gathered round a master. Atelier libre (or sometimes academic) is a studio in which a model is provided but no tuition given. Famous paintings of a. ...
  8. (ah-tell-yeah) A studio or workroom where high fashion garments are made. It is also known as a designer's studio.
  9. workshop (for art or manual labor)
  10. French word for studio.
  11. This is the print workshop, where an edition is pulled or printed. From the French word meaning "studio".