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atavistic 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral,
  1. Relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral
    • - atavistic fears and instincts

  1. characteristic of an atavist
  2. The term atavism (derived from the Latin atavus, a great-grandfather's grandfather; more generally, an ancestor) denotes the tendency to revert to ancestral type. An atavism is an evolutionary throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared generations ago. ...
  3. (Atavism (Slough Feg album)) Atavism is the fifth studio album released by the American heavy metal band Slough Feg (formerly The Lord Weird Slough Feg). A vinyl edition was also produced by Forest Moon Special Products in a limited print of 500.
  4. of the recurrence of a trait reappearing after an absence of one or more generations due to a chance recombination of genes; of a throwback or exhibiting primitivism; relating to earlier, more primitive behavior that returns after an absence
  5. (atavistically) In an atavistic manner
  6. An atavism is a trait in an individual presumed to have been present in a past ancestor. Juvenile white-bellied caiques almost always have black feathers on their heads that after one or two molts are replaced with the apricot feathers that we see in adults. ...
  7. (Atavism) Reversion to an earlier, ancestral type.
  8. (ATAVISM) A tendency to reproduce ancestral type in plants and in animals; to resemble one's grandparents or great-grandparents more than parents. In popular speech, a ‘throw back’. This concept was used by Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909) to describe a type of criminal he called the born criminal. ...
  9. (ATAVISM) A throwback; reoccurrence of features normally no longer evident in a lineage.
  10. (Atavism) The recurrence of certain primitive characteristics that were present in an ancestor but have not occurred in intermediate generations.
  11. (Atavism) [from Latin atavus ancestor] In biology, the reappearance of the characteristics of a remoter ancestor in its descendant; reversion to type; delayed heredity. ...
  12. (Atavism) regression back to a primitive state; the erasure of civilisation.
  13. Atavism refers to Lombroso's theory that while most individuals evolve, some devolve, becoming primitive or "atavistic".  These evolutionary "throwbacks" are "born criminals," the most violent criminals in society.  Born criminals could be identified through their atavistic stigmata. ...
  14. Pertaining to or marked by atavism, the recurrence in a descendant of abnormal characteristics that can be traced back to a remote ancestor. More popularly, “throwback.”
  15. Recurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an ancestral form and usually due to genetic recombination.
  16. displaying characteristics of remote ancestors.