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asymptotically 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. toward an asymptote; "it grew asymptotically"
  2. (Asymptotic) Refers to a curve that continually approaches either the x or y axis but does not actually reach it until x or y equals infinity. The axis so approached is the asymptote. An example is the normal distribution curve.
  3. An asymptotic function gradually approaches a constant value (the ASYMPTOTE); after some period time the function is arbitrarily close to the constant.
  4. (Asymptotic) Approaching indefinitely near, yet never meeting.
  5. (Asymptotic) in geometry and mathematics, a curve that approaches closer and closer, but never quite reaches, another curve or line.
  6. (asymptotic) Concerning the rate at which a function grows, ignoring constant factors. For example, if an algorithm uses 3n+5 steps on inputs of size n, we say its running time is "asymptotically linear" - emphasizing that the linear dependence on n is what's important, not the 3 or the 5.
  7. (asymptotic) a straight line that continually approaches a given curve but does not meet it, but forms its limiting value
  8. A word which refers to a process by which something is always getting closer to something else but never reaches it. Our ethical evolution is an asymtotic process by which we become ever more ethical and moral, but our ethics are never equal to one, and we are never totally moral.