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asymmetries 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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asymmetries, plural;
  1. Lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry

  1. (asymmetry) (mathematics) a lack of symmetry
  2. (asymmetry) Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, especially want of bilateral symmetry; Lacking a common measure between two objects or quantities; Incommensurability; That which causes something to not be symmetrical
  3. (Asymmetry) Bonsai aesthetics discourage strict radial or bilateral symmetry in branch and root placement.
  4. (asymmetry) not being equal, one larger than another, unmatching. As in one leg being thinner than the other after liposuction.
  5. (asymmetry) Refers to a woman's breasts that differ in size, shape and/or position. Most women actually have some degree of asymmetry, but significant asymmetry after breast augmentation may require an adjustment procedure.
  6. (asymmetry) a term applied an object or molecule that does not possess symmetry.
  7. (Asymmetry) The balance of a composition whereby the elements on both sides of an axis are not the same size and shape.Balance – The degree of equilibrium in a composition.
  8. (ASYMMETRY) Directed by Tetsuya Sato
  9. (ASYMMETRY) A distortion of the read-back signal which is shown in different intervals between the positive and negative voltage peaks.
  10. (ASYMMETRY) Where there are differences in the competitiveness of the players. Thus, the outcome of a contest is not simply a matter of chance. Asymmetries can be due to many factors, for instance different ability, experience, motivation, present ownership, and/or condition.
  11. (Asymmetry) A lack of equivalence between two things, such as the unequal tax treatment of interest expense and dividend payments.
  12. (Asymmetry) A term used to describe disproportion of two normally like parts.
  13. (Asymmetry) An area that is not found to be identical in both breasts (such as tissue density).  It is often a normal variant but can also be a sign of an abnormal growth.
  14. (Asymmetry) An imbalance of resources between competing or adversarial sides in an economic or political contest, where the “weaker” side takes unexpected advantage of nimbleness, agility, and leverage of new technology or globalization. ...
  15. (Asymmetry) Aspects of letterforms that depart from mirror images relationships between letter pairs, especially 'b-d' and 'p-q', and within individual letters, such as 'T' in some typefaces.
  16. (Asymmetry) Gestures such as shoulder shrugs, or facial expressions such as smiles, that are not equal on both sides indicating incongruency or dishonesty.
  17. (Asymmetry) Having unlike, or noncorresponding appearances; without symmetry. An example; a two-dimensional color work which, without any necessarily visible or implied axis, displays an uneven distribution of parts throughout the composition.
  18. (Asymmetry) Lack of balance or proportion between elements on opposite sides of the body, such as the left and right breast.
  19. (Asymmetry) Not proportional or the same. It is normal for women to have slightly asymmetrical breasts.
  20. (Asymmetry) Problem theme in which the arrangement of the pieces is symmetric, yet the play is paradoxically asymmetric.
  21. (Asymmetry) The parts of a design organized so that one side differs from the other without destroying the overall harmony.
  22. (Asymmetry) both sides not Same size
  23. (Asymmetry) is a general term that may be used to describe any part of the body. Symmetrical essentially means that two things are equal and alike in size and shape. Asymmetry, conversely, means that the two comparable things are not alike in the same manner. ...
  24. (Asymmetry) ”The shape of one half does not match the shape of the other half.
  25. (asymmetry) A balance of parts on opposite sides of a perceived midline, giving the appearance of equal visual weight.