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astrobiology 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The branch of biology concerned with the study of life on earth and in space,
  1. The branch of biology concerned with the study of life on earth and in space

  1. exobiology: the branch of biology concerned with the effects of outer space on living organisms and the search for extraterrestrial life
  2. Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. Earth is the only known inhabited planet in the universe to date. ...
  3. is the science that tries to answer questions like: how do living organism originate? Is there life out in space, and what form does it have? What is the future for life on Earth and beyond?
  4. The study of life that potentially exists on planets or celestial bodies other than Earth.
  5. term coined by Rene Bertholot, meaning the  intimate parallelism between mathematically expressible regions of the heavens and biologically determined rhythms of life on earth; the Divine was “itself the natural course of the world,” (Walter Otto) not an interruption or abolition of it.