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astringent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Causing the contraction of body tissues, typically of the skin,
  1. Causing the contraction of body tissues, typically of the skin
    • - an astringent skin lotion
  2. Sharp or severe in manner or style
    • - her astringent words had their effect
  3. (of taste or smell) Sharp or bitter
    • - an astringent smell of rotting apples
  1. A substance that causes the contraction of body tissues, typically used to protect the skin and to reduce bleeding from minor abrasions

  1. a drug that causes contraction of body tissues and canals
  2. acerb: sour or bitter in taste
  3. tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue; "astringent cosmetic lotions"
  4. (astringency) a sharp astringent taste; the taste experience when a substance causes the mouth to pucker
  5. (astringency) the ability to contract or draw together soft body tissues to check blood flow or restrict secretion of fluids
  6. An astringent (also spelled adstringent) substance is a chemical compound that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually locally after topical medicinal application. The word "astringent" derives from Latin adstringere, meaning "to bind fast". ...
  7. The use of wine tasting descriptors allow the taster an opportunity to put into words the aromas and flavors that they experience and can be used in assessing the overall quality of wine. ...
  8. A substance which draws tissue together, thus restricting the flow of blood; Sharp, caustic, severe; Having the effect of drawing tissue together; styptic
  9. (astringency) An astringent taste; That which acts as an astringent, causing contraction of soft tissue to restrict the flow of blood
  10. (Astringents) An agent that checks the secretions mucous membranes, limiting the secretions of glands
  11. (Astringents) Substances or additives to soap that tighten or close skin pores. The effect makes skin feel smoother.
  12. (Astringents) Usually recommended for an oily skin type. A clear liquid containing mostly alcohol, but with small amounts of other ingredients. In addition to making the skin feel refreshed, it usually gives a tightened feeling from the evaporation of the ingredients. (See also Toners.)
  13. (Astringents) a product that cleans the skin and tightens the pores.
  14. (Astringents) when applied to the body, render the solids dense and firmer.
  15. (astringency) The drying sensation in the mouth caused by teas high in unoxidized polyphenols.
  16. (Astringency) The mouth-puckering effect of tannin.
  17. (Astringency) The degree of astringency (how much a wine makes your mouth pucker) depends upon the amount of tannin a wine has absorbed from the skins and seeds of the grapes. A moderate amount of astringency is desirable-it creates a lovely flavor-in many red wine types.
  18. (Astringency) This attribute is characteristic of an after-taste sensation consistent  with a dry feeling in the mouth, undesirable in coffee.
  19. (Astringency) The dry, puckery sensation caused by tannin in wine. The tannins actually denature the salivary proteins, causing a rough "sandpapery" feel in the mouth.
  20. (Astringency) A sensation of puckering or drying of the mouth’s tissues. Puckering is a tactile response to compounds such as tannins.
  21. (Astringency) a bitterness in the mouth, of varying degrees, caused by tannin. Sometimes a sensation of dryness.
  22. (ASTRINGENCY) A sensory response on the palate usually due to Tannins (i.e. same taste to Alum or Aspirin).
  23. (Astringency) A lively and mouth drying affect on the tongue. Not bitter, but a clean and refreshing quality
  24. (Astringency) A sense of puckery dryness on the tongue and palate caused by polyphenols in the tea.
  25. (Astringency) A term used to describe the dry and rough sensation in your mouth that typically is experienced when drinking red wines due to the tannin levels.