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assurances 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assurances, plural;
  1. A positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise
    • - he gave an assurance that work would not recommence until Wednesday
  2. Confidence or certainty in one's own abilities
    • - she drove with assurance
  3. Certainty about something
    • - the crowd’s assurance of Joe’s guilt
  4. Insurance, specifically life insurance

  1. (assurance) freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities; "his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular"; "after that failure he lost his confidence"; "she spoke with authority"
  2. (assurance) a binding commitment to do or give or refrain from something; "an assurance of help when needed"; "signed a pledge never to reveal the secret"
  3. (assurance) a statement intended to inspire confidence; "the President's assurances were not respected"
  4. (assurance) a British term for some kinds of insurance
  5. (Assurance (accounting)) Assurance service is an independent professional service, typically provided by CPAs, with the goal of improving the information or the context of the information so that decision makers can make more informed, and presumably better decisions. ...
  6. (Assurance (theology)) Assurance is a Protestant Christian doctrine that states that the inner witness of the Holy Spirit allows the justified disciple to know they are saved. Based on the writings of St. ...
  7. (assurance) The act of assuring; a declaration tending to inspire full confidence; that which is designed to give confidence; The state of being assured; firm persuasion; full confidence or trust; freedom from doubt; certainty; Firmness of mind; undoubting, steadiness; intrepidity; courage; ...
  8. (Assurance) a policy that you pay for, and that pays money to your next of kin when you die.
  9. (Assurance) An evaluation method that uses a specified set of principles and standards to assess the quality on an organization’s reporting of its performance and its underlying systems, processes and competencies that underpin its performance.
  10. (Assurance) A measure of confidence that the security features and architecture of an AIS accurately mediate and enforce the security policy.
  11. (assurance) The level of confidence one has.
  12. (Assurance) Renewable permit granted by a Federal Department to an institution to conduct research in compliance with government standards. ...
  13. (Assurance) Grounds for confidence that an entity meets its security objectives.
  14. Theologically, assurance is the state of being confident in a condition or outcome. Usually it is applied to one’s assurance of salvation. ...
  15. (Assurance) (47%): comprises Financial Audit (core assurance), Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services and Climate Change & Sustainability Services.
  16. (Assurance) A formal written, binding commitment that is submitted to a federal agency in which an institution promises to comply with applicable regulations governing research with human subjects and stipulates the procedures through which compliance will be achieved.
  17. (Assurance) An opinion based on evidence gained from the review of the College's governance, risk management and control framework
  18. (Assurance) Applications that address fault and performance management and can support near-real-time or real-time traffic management, as well as quality of service and service-level agreements.
  19. (Assurance) Demonstrated levels of completeness, validity, accuracy and timeliness.
  20. (Assurance) Independent external validation to substantiate the management process and the veracity of any accounts of social and environmental performance as accurate, fair and meaningful.
  21. (Assurance) The IT Service Continuity Management processes by which an organisation can verify the accuracy and completeness of its Business Continuity Plans.
  22. (Assurance) The USC may provide assurance that users cannot circumvent or disable the key recovery mechanisms or other features. A USC that can be used or modified to "cheat" is called a rogue USC. The possibility of rogue USCs is strongly dependent on the recovery mechanism and implementation. ...
  23. (Assurance) The companies dealing in Insurance Products with uncertainty as to “when” the event will occur e.g. death
  24. (Assurance) The realization that one has eternal life and is secure in Christ.  Assurance is based on the finished work of Christ alone and is not a self-confidence. (1 John 5:11-13; 1 John 2:3-5)  Salvation is by grace, but assurance is based in part on obedience. ...
  25. (Assurance) The satisfaction as to the reliability of information provided. The degree of satisfaction achieved is determined by the nature, extent and timing of procedures performed by the auditor, the results of the procedures and the objectivity of the evidence obtained.