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associating 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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associated, past tense; associated, past participle; associates, 3rd person singular present; associating, present participle;
  1. Connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind
    • - I associated wealth with freedom
  2. Connect (something) with something else because they occur together or one produces another
    • - the environmental problems associated with nuclear waste
  3. Allow oneself to be connected with or seen to be supportive of
    • - I cannot associate myself with some of the language used
  4. Be involved with
    • - she has been associated with the project from the first
  5. Meet or have dealings with someone commonly regarded with disapproval
    • - they are at risk of associating with criminals

  1. (Associated) Being in an experience or memory as fully and completely as possible (with all the senses);  looking out from one's own eyes, hearing from one's own ears, feeling one's own feelings. (See Disassociated, and Dissociated)
  2. To be 'associated' with some memory or event is to see it from the viewpoint of someone involved in the action (as distinct from simply observing the action).
  3. (Associated) When you are experiencing something (a memory) through your own senses. (Seeing with your own eyes rather than seeing yourself in the picture).
  4. (Associated) A sub-modality of NLP; a picture or visual image where you see the world out of your own eyes. Contrast with the disassociated state where you visually observe your body from outside the view of your eyes.
  5. (Associated) Company A is an associated company of company B if more than 20%, but less than 50%, of its equity is owned by company B. ...
  6. (Associated) Dr. Dre, D12, Obie Trice
  7. (Associated) Experiencing the present with all your attention; seeing, hearing and feeling the living action that is taking place in the moment. ...
  8. (Associated) Free natural gas in immediate contact, but not in solution, with crude oil in the reservoir. Also called "gas cap gas."
  9. (Associated) Press, or AP, is an American news agency, the world's largest such organization.
  10. (Associated) Seeing the world from your own perspective.
  11. (Associated) Term used to describe an AP and SU which are communicating in a wireless link.
  12. (associated) A file format is associated with a program that can open that type of file. Double-clicking a file in a files-and-folders window will open the file in that program.
  13. (associated) The state when a wireless client adapter has made a connection with a chosen wireless AP.
  14. (associated) to be a part of; when said of advertisers, it generally means that they share information; for example, data stored in cookies