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assists 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assists, 3rd person singular present; assisted, past participle; assisted, past tense; assisting, present participle;
  1. Help (someone), typically by doing a share of the work
    • - a senior academic would assist him in his work
    • - he assisted her to find employment
    • - their presence would assist in keeping the peace
  2. Help by providing money or information
    • - they were assisting police with their inquiries
    • - funds to assist with capital investment
  3. Be present as a helper or spectator
    • - two midwives who assisted at a water birth
  1. An act of help, typically by providing money
    • - the budget must have an assist from tax policies
  2. (chiefly in ice hockey, basketball, or baseball) The act of touching the puck or ball in a play in which a teammate scores or an opposing batter is put out
    • - he led the league with 14 outfield assists
  3. A mechanical device that provides help
    • - the implant is a ventricular-assist device

  1. In baseball, an assist (denoted by A) is a defensive statistic, baseball being one of the few sports in which the defensive team controls the ball. ...
  2. Something of value provided by an importer to a foreign producer. The value of the assist needs to be added to the transaction value when calculating Customs value. Typical assist include tooling, packaging, and parts.
  3. Inputs to production -- including blueprints, designs, tools and dies, and development engineering --provided by an importer to a foreign manufacturer for use in " producing merchandise for purchase by the importer. ...
  4. The number of times a keyword or ad contributed to a conversion that was credited to another keyword or marketing activity. Assists must occur within 45 days of the conversion event to be recorded. Within any 45 day period, a conversion event can have a maximum of 30 assists recorded.