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assiduous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Showing great care and perseverance,
  1. Showing great care and perseverance
    • - she was assiduous in pointing out every feature

  1. marked by care and persistent effort; "her assiduous attempts to learn French"; "assiduous research"; "sedulous pursuit of legal and moral principles"
  2. (assiduously) with care and persistence; "she worked assiduously on the senior thesis"
  3. (assiduousness) assiduity: great and constant diligence and attention
  4. Diligence is a zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work, exemplified by a decisive work ethic, budgeting of one's time, monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness, and putting forth full concentration in one's work. Diligence is usually promoted in work places. ...
  5. Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious
  6. (assiduousness) Conscientious and unremitting diligence
  7. (Assiduousness) Unceasing; persistent; diligent
  8. (adj.) hard-working, diligent (The construction workers erected the skyscraper during two years of assiduous labor.)
  9. working with constant, persistent attention; unremitting
  10. çıdamlı, erikmewçü, köl salģan, qarmaşhan
  11. hardworking, attentive, diligent
  12. bitterness, dizziness, fickleness, forgiveness, frictionless, frivolous, givenness, igneous, impetus, infamous, issueless, limitless, litigious, minibus, mischievous, narcissus, pitiless, riskiness, silliness, skittishness, stimulus, syllabus, synthesis, ticketless, timorous, victimless, ...