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assessor 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assessors, plural;
  1. A person who assesses someone or something, in particular

  2. A person who calculates or estimates the value of something or an amount to be paid, chiefly for tax or insurance purposes

  3. A person who is knowledgeable in a particular field and is called upon for advice, typically by a judge or committee of inquiry

  1. tax assessor: an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it
  2. In Italy an Assessor (in Italian language: assessore) is a member of a Giunta, the executive body in all levels of local government: regions, provinces and communes.
  3. In some jurisdictions, an assessor is a judge's or magistrate's assistant. This is in fact the historical meaning of this word.
  4. The Assessor is an official in the University of Oxford, in England. The position was created in 1960. The Assessor is responsible for student welfare.
  5. An assessor is a specialist who calculates the value of property. The value calculated by the assessor is then used as the basis for determining the amounts to be paid or assessed for tax or insurance purposes.
  6. One who assesses a property for tax evaluation
  7. (Assessors) One name given by Europeans to the 42 judges in the scene of the weighing of the heart in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. They stand as accusers of the defunct before Osiris in the former's progress through Amenti after death. ...
  8. (Assessors) These are the professionals who carry out the assessments of the relevant person to see if the person satisfies the six qualifying requirements for a standard authorisation to deprive them of their liberty. The following assessments required are:
  9. A person who is employed by the municipality to estimate the value of properties for the purpose of taxes.
  10. An official who has the responsibility of determining assessed value for tax purposes.
  11. The elected official whose legal responsibility is to discover, list, classify, and value (appraise) all real and personal property located in his jurisdiction.
  12. A person who values real estate for tax purposes.
  13. one who acts as a consultor to the bishop in conducting an administrative penal process.
  14. the Speaking test examiner who assigns a score to a candidate’s performance, using defined criteria to do so. See also: examiner; interlocutor
  15. (1) in the case of oral exams, a person trained and certified by the examination centre who quietly observes the oral performance of the candidates and assesses it on the basis of the criteria interpreted the same way by all assessors, and who, together with the interviewer, determines the final ...
  16. A person with expertise in a particular art form who provides a professional opinion as to the artistic merit of a proposal or creation. May also be a juror or panelist
  17. A person who conducts assessments against a unit standard or a series of unit standards. The assessor is experienced, trained, competent and registered by the awarding body.
  18. A person who evaluates the assessment evidence presented by learners. (See also registered assessor)
  19. An assessor looks at an organisation and makes a judgement of how it measures up to a standard providing client-focused feedback and determining with the client organisation when to recommend it for recognition. This system is, for example, used in the Investors in People scheme.
  20. A term for a claims specialist employed by the policy holder directly, to prepare their claim.
  21. people who participates in odour testing.
  22. can be either an arts industry advisor or an internal advisor who is responsible for assessing grant applications against a set of funding criteria.
  23. The person who makes a judgement on a learner’s work.
  24. A person who carries out an assessment under the deprivation of liberty safeguards
  25. The person who is conducting an assessment of the portfolio contents.