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assertions 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assertions, plural;
  1. A confident and forceful statement of fact or belief
    • - his assertion that his father had deserted the family
  2. The action of stating something or exercising authority confidently and forcefully
    • - the assertion of his legal rights

  1. (assertion) a declaration that is made emphatically (as if no supporting evidence were necessary)
  2. (assertion) affirmation: the act of affirming or asserting or stating something
  3. In a financial audit, management assertions or financial statement assertions is the set of information that the preparer of financial statements (management) is providing to another party. Financial statements represent a very complex and interrelated set of assertions. ...
  4. (Assertion (programming)) In computer programming, an assertion is a predicate (for example a true–false statement) placed in a program to indicate that the developer thinks that the predicate is always true at that place.
  5. (assertion) A component of a regular expression that must be true for the pattern to match but does not necessarily match any characters itself. Often used specifically to mean a zero width assertion.
  6. (assertion) A logical expression specifying a program state that must exist or a set of conditions that program variables must satisfy at a particular point during program execution.
  7. (assertion) A piece of data, transmitted in an XML document, that contains authorization and authentication information about a user. The assertion is used to facilitate secure business transactions.
  8. (ASSERTION) a statement that is debatable, as opposed to fact.  Sometimes it is explicitly stated while sometimes it is implicit.
  9. (Assertion) A declaration or claim. Typically, when the term assertion is used in conjection with privilege management it tends to connote a claim formatted with a particular formal syntax. ...
  10. (Assertion) A method that will pass or fail the test method if certain conditions are met. The most basic assertion is the familiar assert_equal. If the two objects passed to assert_equal are not equal, then the assertion will fail, which causes the test to fail. ...
  11. (Assertion) A statement that something should be true. In xUnit-style Test Automation Frameworks, this is realized as an Assertion Method that fails when the actual outcome passed to it does not match the expected outcome.
  12. (Assertion) A statement that the author/speaker believes to be true. (See “Claim.”)
  13. (Assertion) A statement within an Argument that supports or refutes its parent.
  14. (Assertion) Any expression which is claimed to be true. [W3C definition source]
  15. (Assertion) Marathon’s terminology for a check point in a test script.
  16. (Assertion) Stating an opinion as a fact
  17. (Assertion) Strong claims about the truth of something.
  18. (Assertion) The identity information provided by an Identity Provider to a Service Provider.
  19. (Assertion) “What’s the assertion?” was a term used to ask how events were transpiring at any given time, used in the same way as “Que pasa?” “What’s happenin’ bro?” or “what’s gannin’ on?”
  20. (assertion) A categorical statement made by the author, speaker, narrator, or character which generalizes an opinion usually about human nature.  A "for or against" stance taken by the writer of a personal essay (also called a proposition). ...
  21. (assertion) A statement of what must be true. In Java, assertions are generally found in comments.
  22. (assertion) Something declared or stated positively.
  23. (assertion) The act of claiming that a proposition is true. In ordinary language, "The door is shut" is an assertion, while "I wonder if the door is shut" and "Please shut the door" are not.
  24. (assertion) Within a closed domain models of security, a statement about a user that is inherently trusted. Assertions, with inherent trust, may be contrasted with claims, which are only trusted to the extent that a trust relationship exists with the issuer of the claim.
  25. (assertion) a logical expression in the database of true or currently believed facts.