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assented 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (assent) to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
  2. (assent) agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly"
  3. (assenting) accession: agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination"
  4. (assent) agreement, act of agreeing; To agree to, give approval to
  5. (Assent) An affirmative agreement to participate in research. Mere failure to object cannot be construed as assent.
  6. (Assent) A formal document required to transfer ownership of property to a person entitled to the property following the death of the owner.
  7. (Assent) The document by which personal representatives pass the legal title to land to the person entitled to it under the terms of the deceased's will or the intestacy rules.
  8. (Assent) refers to the power of the Governor to assent the bill passed by the Assembly or return the same to Assembly for reconsideration;
  9. (Assent) Agreement by an individual not competent to give legally valid informed consent (e.g., a child or cognitively impaired person) to participate in research.
  10. (ASSENT) A variation of the concept of Informed Consent specifically used in reference to research subjects such as children or other persons without the full competence to provide informed consent. ...
  11. (Assent (of the European Parliament)) a procedure which requires the Council to obtain the EP’s approval before taking certain decisions.
  12. (Assent) An intentional approval of known facts that are offered by another for acceptance; agreement; consent.
  13. (Assent) Children and adolescents are not deemed capable of giving true informed consent, so they are asked for their assent, or agreement, to participation in a clinical trial
  14. (Assent) Document transferring property of a deceased person from the estate to the beneficiary. S36 Administration of Estates Act 1925 requires an assent to be in writing. ...
  15. (Assent) means "to agree to": Greta could not begin the project unless management assented.
  16. (Assent) the transfer of property to a beneficiary or trustee by the executors.
  17. (assent) Make a judgment. For many philosophers of the modern period, assent is the mental act of accepting the truth of a statement, whether or not one has adequate evidence for knowing it.
  18. (assentation) n. - ready, insincere assent. assentatious, adj. willing to assent. assentator, n. flatterer; one assenting insincerely or conniving. assentatory, adj.
  19. (Assentment) accord, acknowledgment, acquiescence, admission, affirmance, affirmation, agreement, assent, avowal, concord, concordance, confession of faith, nod, recognition.
  20. Gave acceptance to the truth of a doctrine.