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assemblage 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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assemblages, plural;
  1. A collection or gathering of things or people
    • - a wondrous assemblage of noble knights, cruel temptresses, and impossible loves
  2. A machine or object made of pieces fitted together
    • - some vast assemblage of gears and cogs
  3. A work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects

  4. The action of gathering or fitting things together

  1. gathering: a group of persons together in one place
  2. hookup: a system of components assembled together for a particular purpose
  3. assembly: the social act of assembling; "they demanded the right of assembly"
  4. collection: several things grouped together or considered as a whole
  5. Assemblage is a compilation album by the British band Japan, released in 1981 by Hansa Records.
  6. An assemblage is an archaeological term meaning a group of different artifacts found in association with one another, that is, in the same context. ...
  7. Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects.
  8. Assemblage refers to a text "built primarily and explicitly from existing texts in order to solve a writing or communication problem in a new context". ...
  9. Assemblage was "a critical journal of architecture and design culture" published by MIT Press from 1986 to 2000. Forty-one issues were published in total. It is full-text searchable on JSTOR.
  10. (Assemblages) 1969. Ms. RCI 396/5-ACM 18 (Petrowska)
  11. The combining of two or more adjoining lots into one larger tract to increase their total value.
  12. a group of artifacts recurring together at a particular time and place, and representing the sum of human activities.
  13. Sculpture using preexisting, sometimes "found" objects that may or may not contribute their original identities to the total content of the work.
  14. The acquisition of contiguous properties into one ownership for a specific use.
  15. Putting together two or more lots to form a large parcel.
  16. A French term for the process of making a wine by blending the component parts. In old world wine regions this might mean mixing together different barrels containing wine from portions of the same vineyard; in Australia it might involve blending wines from regions thousands of miles apart.
  17. A 3-dimensional work of art made by joining materials and objects together.
  18. French term for blending various lots of wine before bottling, especially in Champagne.
  19. French term for "assembling," or blending of wines. In actuality, it is the art of judging the various wines available, which can be considerable, to determine which, when blended appropriately, can compliment or reinforce each others' strengths and overcome corresponding weaknesses.
  20. the totality of the kinds and styles of artifacts and features which are associated with one another and with a single occupation; all evidence of human activity within a single component. ...
  21. A group of animals or plants occurring together in a particular location or region.
  22. A collection of artifacts from a single time or deposit.
  23. sculpture consisting of different objects and materials arranged in a unified 3-D composition.
  24. Sculptural form made by assembling various shapes and materials.
  25. "blending" in French. The process of combining two or more grape varieties after they have gone through a separate fermentation.