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assayer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. an analyst who assays (performs chemical tests on) metals
  2. An assayer is a person who tests ores and minerals and analyzes them to determine their composition and value. They may use spectrographic analysis, chemical solutions, and chemical or laboratory equipment, such as furnaces, beakers, graduates, pipettes, and crucibles.
  3. The Assayer (Il Saggiatore in Italian) was a book published in Rome by Galileo Galilei in October 1623.
  4. determined the proportions of metal in ore
  5. The person who determines and verifies the amount of gold or silver in an alloyed vessel. All Russian drinking vessels normally have an assay mark stamped on them in addition to other required marks.
  6. Person who analyzes ores and alloys, especially bullion, to determine the value and properties of their precious metals.
  7. was Galileo's devastating reply to the Astronomical Balance.^39 It has been widely regarded as a masterpiece of polemical literature,^40 in which "Sarsi's" arguments are subjected to withering scorn. ...
  8. tested metal to check its purity.
  9. A tester of precious metals.