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aspire 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aspired, past participle; aspires, 3rd person singular present; aspiring, present participle; aspired, past tense;
  1. Direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something
    • - we never thought that we might aspire to those heights
    • - other people will aspire to be like you
  2. Rise high; tower
    • - above the domes of loftiest mosques, these pinnacles of death aspire

  1. draw a bead on: have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal
  2. (aspiring) aspirant: desiring or striving for recognition or advancement
  3. Aspire is a work of art, constructed on the Jubilee Campus of the University of Nottingham, in Nottingham, England. ...
  4. Mount Aspiring/Tititea is New Zealand's highest mountain outside the Aoraki/Mount Cook region.
  5. To hope or dream; especially to hope or work towards a profession or occupation (followed by to as a preposition or infinitive particle)
  6. (aspiring (adj)) Having great ambition to be; desiring strongly
  7. AFEHCT's Administrative Simplification Print Image Research Effort work group.
  8. a classy sporting academy in the Sport City. Tests the whole of Qatar's young population to find the most promising athletes of the future.
  9. Aspire is the business telephone system from NEC for the medium to large organisations. Packed with features and also supports the MyCalls software for call management. More information
  10. Aspiring Students Pursue Independence, Responsibility and Excellence (US)