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aspirator 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aspirators, plural;
  1. An instrument or apparatus for aspirating fluid from a vessel or cavity

  1. a pump that draws air or another gas through a liquid
  2. An aspirator, also called an eductor-jet pump or filter pump, is a device that produces vacuum by means of the Venturi effect. In an aspirator, fluid (liquid or gaseous) flows through a tube which then narrows. ...
  3. A medical aspirator is a small suction machine used to remove mucus and other bodily fluids from a patient. These machines are often designed to be portable for use in ambulances and nursing homes, and can run on AC/DC or battery power. ...
  4. A tube like a straw which the dentist puts in your mouth to suck up all the saliva.
  5. A device attached to a meteorological instrument to provide ventilation; usually a suction fan.
  6. device which moves fluid (liquid or gas) by developing a vacuum.
  7. Refers to a non-mechanical unit used to increase vacuum pumping speeds.
  8. a suction devise your dentist uses to remove saliva from your mouth.
  9. A fitting or device supplied with water
  10. The air intake of a sensor.