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aspidistra 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aspidistras, plural;
  1. A bulbous plant with broad tapering leaves, native to eastern Asia and often grown as a houseplant

  1. evergreen perennial with large handsome basal leaves; grown primarily as a foliage houseplant
  2. Aspidistra is a monocot genus.
  3. Keep the Aspidistra Flying, first published 1936, is a grimly comic novel by George Orwell. It is set in 1930s London. The main theme is the protagonist's romantic ambition to give up money and status, and the dismal life that results.
  4. Aspidistra was a British radio station used for black propaganda against Nazi Germany during World War II. ...
  5. Codename for the ground transmitters operating the DARTBOARD interference system