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aspersion 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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aspersions, plural;
  1. An attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something
    • - I don't think anyone is casting aspersions on you

  1. a disparaging remark; "in the 19th century any reference to female sexuality was considered a vile aspersion"; "it is difficult for a woman to understand a man's sensitivity to any slur on his virility"
  2. an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
  3. the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare)
  4. Aspersion (la. aspergere/aspersio), in a religious context, is the act of sprinkling with water, especially holy water. Aspersion is a method used in baptism as an alternative to immersion or affusion. The word is formed of the Latin aspergere, 'to sprinkle', of ad, 'to', and spargo, 'I scatter'.
  5. An attack on somebody's reputation or good name, often in the phrase to cast aspersions upon…; A sprinkling of holy water
  6. (Aspersed) (As-per'-sed) Strewn or powdered with a number of small charges. {See SEME.]
  7. The process of using water sprinklers to protect budding vines from late-spring frosts. The sprinklers are turned on just as temperatures dip below freezing, forming a protective barrier of ice that shields young vine buds from colder temperatures.
  8. (n.) a curse, expression of ill-will (The rival politicians repeatedly cast aspersions on each others’ integrity.)
  9. (a SPER zhun) noun 1. Slander, a calumnious report or remark. 2. The act of defaming or slandering.
  10. a damaging or disparaging remark.
  11. denigration (an insult)