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asparagus 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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asparaguses, plural;
  1. A tall plant of the lily family with fine feathery foliage, cultivated for its edible shoots

  2. The tender young shoots of this plant, eaten as a vegetable and considered a delicacy

  1. plant whose succulent young shoots are cooked and eaten as a vegetable
  2. edible young shoots of the asparagus plant
  3. Asparagus officinalis is a spring vegetable. A flowering perennial plant species in the genus Asparagus in the lily family, like its allium cousins, onions and garlic, it is native to most of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia.
  4. There are many tints and shades of the color green. A large selection of these various colors are shown below.
  5. Crayola crayons have come in a multitude of different colors since their introduction in 1903. By 1905 Binney & Smith's Crayola crayon product line had reached 30 different colors. In 1958 the number of colors increased to 64. ...
  6. Sauvignon blanc based wines, especially Pouilly-Fumés, Sancerres or those of New Zealand will often recall asparagus.
  7. This vegetable is a member of the lily family. Normally green with purple-tinged tips. Europeans prefer white asparagus which is grown underground to prevent greening. Choose bright green or pale ivory stalks with tight tips.
  8. The shoots of an underground stem. Asparagus is seasonal in Europe and at its best from April to June - May being the prime month, it is also grown in North Africa, Israel, Thailand and the States. There are three main varieties of Asparagus green, white and wild. ...
  9. Not generally thought of as a parrot veggie, asparagus is a good source for vitamins A, C, and K and folate. Of course, the real question is does it make their pee smell funny?
  10. Asparagus's succulent, thin stalks are popular throughout the world. Look for firm, bright-green (or pale-ivory) stalks with tight tips. Since asparagus starts losing flavor from the time it is cut, it's best cooked the same day it is purchased. Wash thoroughly and cut off all hard ends. ...
  11. It is unusual in that there are distinct male and female plants. The male spears are skinny and the females plump. Asparagus is low in calories, contains no fat or cholesterol, and is very low in sodium. It is a good source of folic acid, fiber and rutin. ...
  12. A delicately flavoured vegetable not commonly used in India. It is available fresh as well as canned.
  13. A member of the lily family, the earliest stalks are a beautiful apple-green with purple-tinged tips. Asparagus spears poke through the earth in spring. If not picked, these young shoots grow into tall ferny branches with bright red berries. ...
  14. Seeing or eating asparagus means that you will enjoy good health and financial independence; cleaning asparagus means that an unpleasant situation will soon be cleared up to your satisfaction.
  15. Your urinary system, digestive system and skin remain flushed and healthy. No wonder about its strength in improving male sexual performance.
  16. To dream of asparagus, signifies prosperous surroundings and obedience from servants and children. To eat it, denotes interrupted success.
  17. Name given to a punter who arrives on course with a stack of ‘mail’, hence: more tips than a tin of asparagus.
  18. A general chorus cat. Not to be confused with Gus the Theatre Cat - in a stage production Asparagus is the chorus role of the actor who plays Gus, however Sir John Mills was obviously not capable of performing the dance role. Portrayed by Tony Timberlake. ...
  19. Asparagus is a type of vegetable obtained from one particular species of the lily family. It is cultivated for its edible shoots which are eaten as a vegetable. Asparagus has a wonderfully distinctive flavor and a meaty texture. ...
  20. which in England became sparrow-grass.
  21. Benson Kua on Flickr
  22. Shatwar/ sootmooli/musli
  23. (nicknamed Gus), the theatre cat. In the film version, Gus and Asparagus are two separate characters.
  24. The ancient Egyptians, Romans and Greeks were all fond of asparagus which was cultivated mush as it is today. Although it disappeared from the European table during the Middle Ages its use was widespread in the Arab world. ...