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ashy 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of a pale grayish color; ashen,
  1. Of a pale grayish color; ashen
    • - the ashy shadows of the mountains
  2. Covered with, consisting of, or resembling ashes
    • - an ashy sediment

  1. ash-grey: of a light grey
  2. having the color of ashes; a pallor; having dry or dead skin (therefore discolored)
  3. Coffee with flavor / aroma of cold fireplace ashes.
  4. This odour descriptor is similar to that of an ashtray, the odour of smokers' fingers or the smell one gets when cleaning out a fireplace.  It is not used as a negative attribute.  Generally speaking this descriptor is used by the tasters to indicate the degree of roast.
  5. One of several trade names used for Anery C.