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ashtrays 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ashtrays, plural;
  1. A receptacle for tobacco ash and cigarette butts

  1. (ashtray) a receptacle for the ash from smokers' cigars or cigarettes
  2. (Ashtray) A device (in a vehicle) for holding cigarette ashes.
  3. (ASHTRAY) Wanting to rid yourself of old feelings, memories or habits; something in your life that has been extinguished / Wanting others to 'butt out' of your affairs
  4. (Ashtray) A place where people put out cigarettes when the room doesn't have a carpet
  5. (Ashtray) The way you get rid of old feelings, habits, memories; collection of past burnt out feelings or results of relationships; connection with smoking habit.
  6. (The Ashtray) The area surrounding the statue of St. Ignatius Loyola behind Mertz Hall.