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ashore 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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To or on the shore from the direction of the sea,
  1. To or on the shore from the direction of the sea
    • - the seals come ashore to breed
  2. On land as opposed to at sea
    • - we spent the day ashore

  1. towards the shore from the water; "we invited them ashore"
  2. A shore or shoreline is the fringe of land at the edge of a large body of water, such as an ocean, sea, or lake. ...
  3. On the land as opposed to onboard; On, or towards the shore
  4. On the beach, shore or land.
  5. On land, no to be confused with aground. One happily spends time ashore, but being aground has other consequences.
  6. On the beach, as differentiated from on board ship. Any place off a Marine Corps or government reservation. Go ashore, go on liberty or leave the reservation.
  7. On land; the opposite of aboard.
  8. On the land or aground.