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ashcan 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ashcans, plural;
  1. A metal receptacle for trash or ashes

  2. A depth charge

  1. a bin that holds rubbish until it is collected
  2. A waste container is a container for temporarily storing waste, and is usually made out of metal or plastic. ...
  3. The depth charge is an anti-submarine warfare (ASW) weapon intended to destroy or cripple its target submarine by the shock of exploding near it. Most use explosives and a fuze set to go off at a preselected depth in the ocean. ...
  4. A container for ashes, used in times past for accumulating ashes generated from wood and coal fires, for eventual disposal elsewhere. A dustbin; A kind of large firecracker; Of or pertaining to the Ashcan School of American art
  5. slang for a depth charge; compare HEDGEHOG, see ASW.
  6. A publisher's in-house facsimile of a proposed new title. Most ashcans have black and white covers stapled to an existing coverless comic on the inside; other ashcans are totally black and white. ...
  7. A comic printed in small numbers, often to secure trademarks for, or to preview material from, regular comics that have yet to be released. In the 1940s, ashcans were produced exclusively as a means for a publisher to establish its claim to a comic-book title or character. ...
  8. A rough version of a periodical prepared in advance of publication to demonstrate what it will look like. ...
  9. A prepublication comic book shown to potential advertisers.