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asexual 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Without sex or sexuality, in particular,
  1. Without sex or sexuality, in particular

  2. (of reproduction) Not involving the fusion of gametes

  3. Without sex or sexual organs
    • - asexual parasites
  4. Without sexual feelings or associations
    • - she rested her hand on the back of his head, in a maternal, wholly asexual, gesture

  1. not having or involving sex; "an asexual spore"; "asexual reproduction"
  2. (asexuality) having no evident sex or sex organs
  3. The terms teleomorph, anamorph, and holomorph apply to portions of the life cycles of fungi in the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota.
  4. Asexuality (also known as nonsexuality), in its broadest sense, is the lack of sexual attractionBogaert, Anthony F. (2006). . Review of General Psychology 10 (3): 241–250. Retrieved on 31 August 2007. or the lack of interest in and desire for sex. ...
  5. A species which reproduces by asexual rather than sexual reproduction, or a member of such a species; A person who does not experience sexual attraction; a person who lacks interest in or desire for sex; Having no distinct sex, having no sexual organs; Without sexual action; reproducing by ...
  6. (asexuality) The state or quality of being asexual, that is: The state of not experiencing sexual attraction. Compare heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality. The state of not having a sex or sexual organs. The quality (of a species or organism) of reproducing asexually
  7. (asexually) Reproducing without sex, by fissioning or budding as in many single-celled organisms.
  8. Flowers that lack pistils, ovuals, pollen or stamens thus don't produce fruit.
  9. Vegetative reproductions - e.r. cuttings and division.
  10. not forming part of a cycle which involves fertilisation and meiosis.
  11. Without sex. Having no sexual or reproductive organs. Reproduces by division, or splitting parts off the parent body.
  12. A person who does not desire physical/sexual relationships with other people.
  13. Not involving the combining of genetic information from two different individuals.  Asexual reproduction results in many individuals who are genetically identical to the parent.  In plants this may be referred to as vegetative propagation (i.e. by cuttings or sprouts)
  14. 1. Without sexual desire or interest. Someone with seemingly no sexual drive. 2. Referring to reproduction without the combination of genetic material with another individual. Yeast can reproduce asexually by budding.
  15. adj (not having a sex or gender) neseksaPIV; (not involving sexuality) senseksaPIV; (not sexually attracted to people) neseksemaSEK
  16. Lacking sexual characteristics as in a sterile ray floret, when referring to reproduction, occurring without the fusion of egg and sperm.
  17. reproduction in which a single parent produces offspring by fragmentation, fission, or mitotic cell division
  18. Relates to reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes (sperm and egg).
  19. A propagation technique where plants are reproduced without the use of seeds. A method of using cuttings or division to create new plants.
  20. vegetative; without sex organs, sex cells, or sexual spores, as the anamorph of a fungus.
  21. without sex charicteristics, sexless
  22. Non-sexual; propagation either vegetatively or through division of a plant cell.
  23. Reproduction without cell division.
  24. Reproduction not involving meiosis.
  25. Able to reproduce without male fertilization.