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ascus 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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asci, plural;
  1. A sac, typically cylindrical in shape, in which the spores of ascomycete fungi develop

  1. saclike structure in which ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes
  2. An ascus (plural asci; from Greek "skin bag") is the sexual spore-bearing cell produced in ascomycete fungi. On average, asci normally contain eight ascospores, produced by a meiotic cell division followed, in most species, by a mitotic cell division. ...
  3. The Papanicolau test (also called Pap smear, Pap test, cervical smear, or smear test) is a screening test used in gynecology to detect premalignant and malignant (cancerous) processes in the ectocervix. Significant changes can be treated, thus preventing cervical cancer. ...
  4. The ascus is a diagnostic morphological feature of the bryozoan suborder Ascophora (hence the name of the suborder). It is a water-filled sac of frontal membrane opening (ascopore) at or near the zooid orifice. ...
  5. a specialized sexual reproductive cell found in the fertile area of the hymenium of all Ascomycetes. An ascus is typically club shaped and which forms internally 4 or 8 ascospores, usually in a row.
  6. (pl. = ASCI) - the meiosporangium of the Ascomycetes: originally evolved as a spore-gun in terrestrial environments.
  7. A cell that is the site of meiosis and in which endogenous spores (usually meiospores but sometimes also ascoconidia) are formed. (Pl. asci.) (15)
  8. A sac-like cell containing ascospores. Asci are characteristic of the Ascomycetes.
  9. a sac like structure that contains ascospores
  10. saclike cell in which ascospores (typically eight) are produced.
  11. Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance. Low-grade lesion.
  12. a sac-like cell of an Ascomycete within which two haploid nuclei fuse, after which three divisions occur, two of them meiotic, resulting in eight ascospores.
  13. a sac-like cell generally containing a definite number of ascospores, typically 8, formed after karyogamy and meiosis.
  14. the sac-like cell of the sexual state of a member of the Ascomycota in which the ascospores are produced. pl. asci.
  15. a sac-like cell of a hypha in which meiosis (part of gamete formation process consisting of joining of chromosomes and two cell divisions) occurs and which contains the ascospores
  16. plural asci : a membranous sac that holds sexual spores in fungi
  17. a sexual spore-producing cell of fungi belonging to the ascomycota phylum